Anxiety in Dogs as Families Head Back to School

The days have slowly started to get shorter, and the kids are headed back to school soon.  Back to school can be an exciting and stressful time for the whole family, including your pets.  Many dogs get used to having their favorite tiny humans home with them all day through the summer, and the change to being alone throughout the day can cause anxiety and boredom for pets.  There are a few things you can do to help prepare your pets for this transition.

Make sure your pet is getting enough exercise

Going from playing with their family to being alone through the day can leave your pets with some pent-up energy.  Make time to play with your pets in the morning and afternoon/evenings.  This will allow your pets to get their energy out and ensure they have special time with you.

Doggie daycare is also an option for some pets to give them socialization, exercise and time out of the house.  Doggie daycare isn’t an option for all dogs as some dogs don’t enjoy socializing with other dogs.  It’s also important to make sure that you fully vet any doggie daycare that you might be considering to make sure that it is a good environment with structured play and rest time too.

Make changes slowly

Allowing your pets time to adjust to these schedule changes slowly can help ease the transition.  These changes can be made by getting your pets used to a new exercise routine and alone time throughout the day in the days leading up to back to school.

Potty breaks

If your dog is going to be alone for long periods of time for the first time in a while, it’s good to make sure that someone can come by to let them out for a potty break at midday.

Social time

Your dogs are going to miss all their favorite humans while they are gone during the day and so it’s important to give them some extra cuddle time in the mornings and evenings.  Make sure that your dogs know that they are still so loved and help them to feel like they are still part of the family.  Spending time with the family is important for them weather playing outside or cuddling up on the couch.


Studies have shown that the gut microflora affects anxiety and probiotics can reduce stress-induced release of cortisol and anxiety/depression-related behaviors (2).  Giving your dog Caniotic tablets or oil is an easy way to provide your dog with a daily dose of live, lactobacillus reuteri good gut bacteria.


