Keep Your Pets Safe This Halloween


Keep your pets safe this Halloween

Costumes, loud noises and strange people coming up to your door – Halloween can be a very spooky time for your pets.   Here are some tips to help ensure that your pets stay safe, healthy and comfortable this year.

  • Prepare ahead of time. Make sure that your pets are microchipped and that the information associated with their microchip is kept up to date.
  • Store candy away from pets. Candy, especially chocolate, raisins and xylitol as they can be toxic for pets.  Xylitol is a sugar substitute commonly found in sugar free candies and peanut butter.
  • Keep human costumes, accessories and home decorations away from pets. Some costumes might have items that could be dangerous if your pet chews or swallows them. Accessories could contain things like glow sticks and batteries that can be harmful to pets.
  • Walk dogs earlier in the day and keep them in a safe room during trick or treating and parties. Some dogs could find it very scary to be walking during trick or treat time when lots of people are out walking in costumes.  Note: some dogs might enjoy dressing up with the family or even going out with the family. You know your dog best but be mindful that they might not enjoy it and need to go home to their safe space early.