Horse Show Packing List

coggins and health cert
salt block or loose salt
supplements  and medications
Equiotic paste
2 water buckets
1 feed bin
clips for the water buckets
stall guard with needed clips
Stall information card (horses name, emergency contact number)
Back on track sheet and neck cover
Back on track wraps
standing wraps
pillow wraps
bell boots
leather halter (x2)
lead rope (x2)
first aid kit — see example here
anti sweat sheet
turnout/stable blankets (as needed for weather)
hoof pick
shampoo and conditioner
tail detangler
wash bucket
clean towels
braiding kit
ice boots or bucket to ice in
Horse Rider
dressage saddle helmet and hairnet
dressage girth tall boots and boot socks
dressage bridle gloves
dressage saddle pads show coat
woof or dsb boots show shirt and stock tie with pin
braiding kit show breeches
Show Jump
Horse Rider
jumping saddle helmet and hairnet
jumping bridle medical armband or ridesafe band
show jump bit bat or spurs
breastplate show breeches
show jump saddle pad belt
open front boots tall boots and socks
bell boots Show coat
braiding kit Show shirt and stock tie with pin
jumping girth gloves
Cross Country
Horse Rider
jumping saddle Cross country helmet and hairnet
XC saddle girth cross country watch
jumping bridle medical armband or ridesafe band
XC breastplate cross country vest
XC bit air vest (if using)
XC boots cross country whip
bell boots cross country shirt
stud kit cross country breeches and belt
tall boots and socks
Rider Extras
Schooling breeches
Schooling shirt to ride in
Extra show breeches and shirt
extra hair net
rain jacket – always be prepared for rain
warm sweatshirt or jacket – mornings can be cold even in the summer
change of clothes for when not riding
cooler with water and sports drinks
human first aid kit
saftey pins